Time To Re-Group

When Covid – 19 hit in March we made the decision to keep working for as long as possible and furloughed non-essential staff where we could. Our expectation was that we would be forced to mothball operations at some point. That did not happen!

Our staff members have been amazing during this crisis. Despite the imposition of lock-down, social distancing and hygiene requirements they have soldiered on and handled unprecedented demand from our customers. 

We have now arrived at the point where, frankly, our team needs to take a break. Rather than rotating individuals onto annual leave and putting more pressure on the remaining staff members as a result, we have decided to close our offices for a full week so that everyone can get some much needed rest and the opportunity to re-connect with family and friends. As lockdown measures are now starting to ease we think that August would be the best time to take this break. 

As a result, our offices will be closed from 3pm Friday 7th August 2020 and will re-open at 9am on Monday 17th August 2020. 

During this period our customers will still be able to place orders with card payments up to £10,000 through our website but orders will not be processed until our return to work.

In order to minimise delayed dispatch and disruption there is a minimum order value of £250 in place during this busy period.

We would encourage all of our customers to place planned orders in the next week to avoid delays in dispatching. 

PLEASE DO NOT SEND PARCELS TO US FOR DELIVERY DURING OUR OFFICE CLOSURE as they will remain in the postal system until our return to work. 

Whilst we appreciate that these arrangements may cause some inconvenience, for which we apologise, the wellbeing of our staff members and our ability to continue to provide outstanding service to our customers in the months ahead are of great importance to us. 

A huge ‘Thank You’ to all of our customers, old and new, for your loyalty, patience and continued support during these unprecedented times and for the many emails and even letters of appreciation that we have received. 

Stay safe and well, it is by no means over yet! 

The Team at UKBullion


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